[Annoucenment] State of the Blog Address, October 2023

Hello wordpress fam!

I just wanted to give you a heads-up on a slight deviation on the ol’ blog here as I’ve decided to start writing more about bands/artists from outside of Canada again. This wanting to write about AC/DC, Maiden, Priest, Motorhead, Sabbath, etc is just in me. And it needs to come out!

When I dropped the sloppy ‘Buried on Mars’ site and began CanadianGrooves.ca way back in December of 2021, I hoped the rebranding and focus on Canadian artists would eliminate my constant anxious feeling that I wasn’t posting enough or always behind on projects. Nope!

The reason why? I’m too fucking busy to ever accomplish such a feat!

Life just has a way of derailing plans to listen and write about music. Moving, trucking school, waiting for piano movers for my in-laws, going record shopping when Deke comes to town, taking Sarah and her sister to see Duran Duran, needing to decompress and watch some playoff baseball, etc, etc, etc!


Yes, the scope of what I was trying to do on Buried On Mars was large, and scaling it down for this site has helped a bit, but I now know that I’ll never get to the point where I can post consistently as well as other writers can. (Frickin’ John Snow.) Not only am I busy, I sometimes take a long time to write. Those 600-700 words I just wrote about Big Wreck’s Grace Street became a month-and-a-half-long project for me. My review was negative in the beginning, but then the album grew on me and I shifted gears. It takes time for me to formulate an opinion… twice!

As this itch to write about my favourite hard rock and metal bands again grows, I think I’ll be OK to scratch it as long as I’m OK with being inconsistent and taking a long time to finish a post sometimes. I might even redo my old AC/DC and Led Zeppelin reviews from the old site in my newer format where I give the songs a letter grade. That decision is up in the air though. And I’ll still write about Canadian bands as my love for Odds, Sloan, and Max Webster, etc is still in my heart. I’m just leaning a little more on the Grooves instead of the Canadian.

10 thoughts on “[Annoucenment] State of the Blog Address, October 2023

  1. So let’s get this part straight. Me coming to town to record shop was the good part of derailing your plans correct? lol. Write what ya want fella we will be here for ya!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Everyone else said it best, but write about what makes you happy, Kevin! Whether it’s about AC/DC, Max Webster, Sloan, or Led Zeppelin; if it makes you happy, do it! If it fits into your schedule too, that’s even better! Life is hectic and it’s hard to keep a consistent writing schedule (unless you’re a machine like John T. Snow).

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